AT 6.00pm ON WEDNESDAY 26th MAY 2021
Members in Attendance Council in Attendance Apologies
Julian Kris Andrew Eggleston President Ann Hodgson
Patrick Falla Nigel Lawrence Vice President Beth Chapman
Ian Carter Ilona Soane-Sands Helen Martin
David Nash Helen Ackrill Tim Cross
Alistair Forrest Kathy Kissick Sara Fisher
Peter Chubek Brendan Noone Sarah Gallienne
Ian Corder Tony Haywood Hon Treasurer
Janet Eggleston
Jo Woodnutt
Tess Woodnutt
Moira Sleeman
Gill Lowe
Andrew Kissick
Malcolm Matthews
Toni Cherritt
Roland Gauvain
Hilius Pretorius
Hilius Pretorius
Mort Birch
Richard Ward
Alan Woodnutt
Jo Boughton-Leigh
Holly Chandler
Chris Kronwitter
Annabel Finding
Alan Niven
Helene Turner
Alan Woodnutt
Jack Woodnutt
Roger Saunt
Charmaine Johnson
Lawrence Page
Nigel Vooght
Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
The minutes were approved being proposed by Janet Eggleston and seconded by Kathy Kissick
Matters Arising
There were none.
President’s Report
Andrew Eggleston referred to his annual report that had been emailed to all members. In the main, the topics included Government Structure, Southampton Airport, Proposed Marina, The Alderney Artisans, Data Protection, Transport and Chamber’s openness within the island.
He especially thanked joint Vice President Ann Hodgson who was not standing for re-election. Ann had put in many many hours during her years on Council. More recently she has been a driving force and co-ordinator with the proposed runway extension at Southampton Airport where Chamber had submitted the results from our survey along with more than 360 testimonials and a lengthy submission. Her works on Council will be missed. He also thanked Nigel Lawrence for his continual work, much behind the scenes, with his liaison with the States and many others who we work with. Helen Ackrill was now standing down and Andrew thanked her for her input and help during her years on the Council.
Further thanks went to all Council Members – Ilona Soane-Sands who spends hours on relating the cause to the island and abroad via email and social media – Kathy Kissick who is always at the fore with the Christmas evenings in town along with her interest in apprenticeships, education and youth skills.
Guernsey’s island-wide elections proved a major turning point for the political relationship between our islands. It is now most positive as is the social relationship that has benefited both islands through Covid giving us our open air and sea corridors.
We have had recent meetings with various Guernsey politicians including Mark Helyar of Policy & Resources, Neil Inder and Simon Vermulen of Economic Development and Al Brouard who is President of Health. Chamber has also been invited to meet with Guernsey’s First Minister Peter Ferbrache for a more private meeting along with our Alderney States Members.
Under the guidance of Ilona, we have complied a list of business opportunities and also as to what businesses we are lacking. Under the guidance of Ann, we have a Chamber Roadmap entitled Alderney Means Business.
In conclusion, Andrew confirmed that he saw his main role as listening and learning while understanding the importance of communication and business relationships. Running his own business in the centre of town for several decades meant there was always time to talk and feed back to Council.
Treasurer’s Report
Tony Haywood had produced the Income & Expenditure for the 12 months to 31st December 2020. It showed an opening balance of £4,641.08 (compared with £3,501.78 for the previous year). Expenditure amounted to £2,107.34, the prime expenses of which were the meetings themselves and website/IT. The balance carried forward to 1st January 2021 was £4,888.09.
There were no questions to the treasurer. President Andrew Eggleston thanked Tony for his work.
Election of President
The President sat at this stage in the proceedings while Vice President Nigel Lawrence took the floor to confirm that Andrew Eggleston had been unanimously put forward for the coming year. This was adopted.
Election of Treasurer and Council Members
It was unanimously agreed that Tony Haywood remain as Hon Treasurer.
In accordance with Chamber’s constitution, three Council members stand down after serving two years. This year they are Ann Hodgson, Ilona Soane-Sands and Helen Ackrill.
There were four nominations for these three positions:-
Ilona Soane-Sands – proposed by Helen Ackrill and seconded by Jeff Roff
Ian Corder – proposed by Alan Woodnutt and seconded by Holly Chandler
Holly Chandler – proposed by Ian Corder and seconded by Andrew Eggleston
Richard Ward – proposed by Andrew Kissick and seconded by Andrew Scott
The successful candidates joining the Council were Ilona Soane-Sands, Holly Chandler and Ian Corder.
Any Other Business
Charmaine Johnson expressed concern that the island’s infrastructure was not up to speed when considering increasing the population. This was also borne out by the fact that there were insufficient pre-school playgroup facilities throughout the working day. This would be seen as a negative when trying to attract younger people to the island.
The meeting closed at 6.40pm when the President thanked all those for attending the meeting and to now join the Council for a drink and a chat in the bar.
to download the minutes , click here: AGM Minutes 2021