Dear Member,
Towards the end of each month we shall be emailing ‘Chamber Notes’ with an update of what is being discussed and decisions made.
In recent months we have been pleased to include Holly from The Georgian representing both hospitality and her wide knowledge of all aspects of island life along with Ian Corder who specialises, amongst other topics, in Energy.
We see Energy being as critical as Transport for our future.
At this month’s Council meeting, we invited States Member Boyd Kelly in his role as Chair of General Services. This committee has a lengthy mandate and is primarily responsible for the island’s infrastructure.
We discussed these topics with Boyd:- Swimming Pool, FAB Link, Breakwater, Sports Foundation, Marina, Conflicts of Interest, Policing, Ragwort, Roads & Resurfacing, Dog Licences and Harbour.
Since that meeting we have received confirmation that Victoria Street parking will be looked at along with licensed premises ‘walk-throughs’ at the end of a night.
Chamber has been expressing its concern to the States that there is no longer a Gas Safe Engineer on the island. This has been passed through to General Services Committee who are dealing with the matter.
We discussed the current situation at Southampton Airport following the approval of the 164 metres extension to its runway. This would not only allow larger commercial planes but confirm fuller loading capacity to existing planes in adverse weather conditions. But, mainly, thank goodness it will remain as an airport!
We also discussed the Alderney Artisans which held its inaugural meeting in The Georgian the evening after our Council meeting. It was a great success and is endorsed 100% by Chamber. Chamber recognises the challengers retailers face today and welcome initiatives that will improve our visitor experience, grow the economy and support local business.
Our AGM is set for 6.00pm on Wednesday 26th May at The Georgian. We will also be celebrating Chamber’s 60th anniversary this summer. Details will be forwarded to all members.
Would you like to join us as Holly and Ian have? Our mandate is simply to look to the future of our island. Commitment is not onerous as much is via email.
Kind regards,
Andrew Eggleston
President Chamber Council