- Council held an inaugural meeting with our new Chief Clerk Theo Leijser. It proved very positive and has paved the way as being the first of our joint meetings. We covered many aspects of the workings of the States, the Civil Service and the Chamber. A priority is to create more openness and to be more inclusive. With States elections later this year, conversation centred around the need for younger working people to stand and represent the island.
- Anne’s School has organised a Careers Fair for Thursday 8th February to show its students the diversity of jobs that are on our doorstep. In their separate years, the whole school will be a part of this fair. Participants have been organised by Chamber and we hope this will now be an annual event. We will also be taking this further by creating a presentation for those contemplating a change of job.
- We are working alongside the States in collaboration with Guernsey Finance Company. This will involve time in Guernsey talking to finance groups about relocating their business to Alderney or moving their back-office function to the island.
- Chamber is presently collating information from responses to our Education & Skills Survey. The greater response the better. If you have not already completed this survey, do let us know and we shall pass on the link.
- We are discussing with the Economic Development Committee the concept of making the bottom part of Victoria Street a pedestrian precinct. It is just a possibility this may be trialled this summer. To quash initial concern, it may just be for a few hours in the morning and purely at the height of the season. Another thought is to trial it on a Saturday morning in summer when the Saturday market is vibrant. For those who have not been on the island for too many years, this is nothing new. The bottom of Victoria Street used to be chained off for a few hours in the morning – and again only at the height of the season. We would be interested to receive your comments.
- A reminder please – Subscriptions for 2024 are now due. They remain again at just £25 a year (a mere 7p a day!). For ease, cheques and cash can be brought into the office of Bell & Co.
- One subject that seems to be gaining more traction is implementing Freedom of Information. This could help with transparency and could be seen to be a form of scrutiny.
- Our aim is to produce monthly notes to our members in this format. Our wish is to be ever more inclusive. Please come through to us on info@alderneychamber.com on any of the above topics or other thoughts or concerns you may have.