The response to our suggestion of introducing networking sessions for our members (News Bulletin 8 Nov) has been welcomed by many of our members. Networking events are already well established in Guernsey and Jersey and the main objective is for business people to get together to discuss issues and share expertise and contacts which could help you further develop your business or, in many cases, improve your purchasing power by joining forces with other companies in the same business sector.
Networking events usually last an hour or so and usually take place just after work, or at lunchtime.
We would like to kick off the new year with a first Networking Session at the Braye Beach Hotel- during the week of 20 January, but we are conscious that many of our members are professional couples with children and, with this in mind, could you please advise us which day and time would be best for you:
Best day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday?
Best time:
lunchtime: 12:30 or 1:00pm
evening: 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm or other?
Our intention is to host monthly networking sessions throughout the year.
This year we held several well-attended workshops. During 2020, we would again like to host a series of workshops covering important topics – from start-up business advice and financial advice to digital marketing, security and other issues.
Through our connections with the Guernsey and Jersey Chambers of Commerce we are able to share experts speakers in specific areas to run such workshops here in Alderney. These sessions usually last 1.1/2 h to 2 hrs incl. Q&A sessions) and are usually held just after work.
Again, with young parents in mind, it would help us enormously if you could advise us whether you would be able to attend a workshop if held
a) as a breakfast workshop
b) working lunch workshop
c) Wednesday afternoon
d) early evening
e) Saturdays
Thank you for getting back to us so we can start planning next year’s workshops.
If there is a particular topic you would like to see addressed in a workshop, please let us know as soon as possible.
Please email with your comments and feedback