Update and Seasonal Greetings from Our President

Another unprecedented year for the number of new members joining Chamber.  We remain a positive group enjoying a sound working relationship with our States.

We are looking for members to join our groups – such as hospitality, transport, energy, construction and housing.   Simply email us on info@alderneychamber.com if you would like to help.

Topics we are involved in include –

  • Presenting a Career’s Fayre at St. Anne’s School in February
  • Attending each meeting of the States’ Economic Development Committee
  • Working closely with Visit Alderney
  • Organising Secondary Pensions Scheme seminars
  • Liaising with Guernsey Finance Co to attract finance groups to relocate here
  • Pulling together our hospitality sector acting more as a team than as individuals
  • Liaising regularly with Aurigny’s CEO


Earlier this week we judged our first Best Christmas Window Display for the £100 prize.   A very difficult task for the judges with such a variety of talent on show!

Zoe from the Alderney Centre was deemed to be the winner with Riduna Radio half a whisker behind and Anchors third.

Best Illustrated went to PJs & Alderney Opticians while Special Merit went to Sew Much Fun, London House & Age Concern.

We are also giving £5 to each of the 30 school pupils whose pictures are exhibited in some Victoria Street windows.

As we approach 2024, I, along with our Council, wish all our members a peaceful and Happy Christmas.

Let’s hope for a positive year ahead – Alderney deserves it.

My best wishes,

